EAVS Video Alarm Center Security Controller

EAVS Video alarm server

EAVS Video Alarm Center can be used for security service alarms and monitoring in areas such as shops, chain stores, supermarkets, factories, schools, etc.

Features of Video Alarm Center

The video alarm center has 8 functions:
1. Burglar alarm, fire alarm and up to 64 electric appliance remote control
2. Video recording storage function
3. Local host alarm and video management and control functions
4. The function of CENTER-EAVS remote management and control of multiple hosts
5. Alarm linkage video recording and sending function
6. Electronic map management function
7. Black box management and backup function for alarms and videos
8. Check the operating status of the host and detectors

In summary, the EAVS alarm host has the capacity to connect up to 108 detectors including wired, wireless, and 485 bus zones for alarm and with partition management.
The EAVS alarm host has NVR with 2 SATA hard drives for up to 2000G *2 and cloud storage video recording. The recording can be set as triggered by alarm, timer etc.
The EAVS alarm host can be accessed through web browser, pc software, app, wireless keypad and with 3 levels of authority passwords for management and users.
The EAVS alarm host is integrated security equipment on both hardware and software.